" We need to exercise choices: We can either follow our noses and, like Musselmänner in the camps, lean toward emotional numbness, or we can open our hearts to possibilities. With a little support, the choice for possibilities can be dramatic and potent."
By Dr. Dennis Kein
"There is satisfaction in accomplishments, yet we may not feel satisfied because the noise of everyday life, our determination to stay busy and receive attention, keeps us on the sidelines from what the 17th century philosopher Blaise Pascal called our “own chamber.”
By Dr. Dennis Klein
"When we consider the context of our tasks – the provider and the recipient in this case – our lives and the tasks that demand our attention acquire something meaningful and gratifying."
By Dr. Dennis Klein
"We need to exercise the mind but we need to do better at cheering the heart."
By Dr. Dennis Klein
"“Routine” is a liability of habits we’ve adopted over the past two-plus centuries. For that reason, we feel stuck, perhaps hopeless. One reason is the sheer speed of change that feels like we are inevitably disconnected, some racing forward, the rest of us left behind. The way we work, how and what we think, and the degree to which we connect with others feel out of synch; we are, as result, left to our own devices."
By Dr. Dennis Klein
"“Worth” is one of those words that demand unpacking, especially when it surfaces as “self-worth.” We want to project that image, knowing it’s not the whole story, or even the main part of it but we cling to it anyway believing that the self-doubts we bury are really none of others’ business. Some call this projection “an imposter complex.”"
By Dr. Dennis Klein
"t is a practice that I believe in – I call it “Inklein” counseling - and make available to anyone, preferably in-person but also remotely, who feels stuck but believes there is another way."
By Dr. Dennis Klein
"The seeds of something new are hard to detect because they start small. Feeling overall dissatisfaction myself, I rely for remedy on what is local: family, neighbors, friends, colleagues, and congregation. Fragmentation is, however, a considerable nemesis that requires dedication. For those of us who are tethered to screens, that’s a tall order."
By Dr. Dennis Klein